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My teacher often said that a Chisao master = Wing chun master
So what is a chisao master? First of all, it's someone who can deal with anyone and still control their own temper. If you cannot control yourself, you cannot control anyone else. In chisao you learn to control your own actions in a way that gives you a way to deflect your opponent's defenses rather than forcing your way through. This way enables a somewhat smaller person to defeat a bigger opponent. Be humble, stop fighting and start just reacting and you'll improve so much faster. So what is chisao then? Chisao is a drill that teaches you to defend and attack at the same time. It teaches you to avoid using power against power by using contact reflexes and it teaches you to chain your attacks to tear down your opponents defenses. By learning how to use both hands together your handspeed will become incredibly fast. Using drilled contact reflexes mean that you will further increase your speed because you don't have to "choose" a technique. Your body has already been programmed to react in the most efficient way. Chained techniques increase your fighting power beyond your size by constantly keeping your opponent on the defense and defeating him without leaving him any chance to get back into the fight before it's over. 今回の詠春拳動画の内容: English below: コンセプト:前へのプレッシャー コンセプト:センターラインを攻撃 相手のセンターラインをコントロールしていないと、反撃される可能性が上がります。 攻撃が相手を通すようにパンチしましょう。できれば、相手のバランスを崩すや相手が後ろにステップするように攻撃します。 そのため、強い攻撃プレッシャーが必要です。 プレッシャーをかけるのと押すのは違います 攻撃でプレッシャーをかけます。相手が後ろに下がったり防御をしたりしないと攻撃が当たるというプレッシャーをかけましょう。 押すのはただ押すだけです。ダメージはときにないです。 ほかに動画の中に出るコツ
Concept: Forward pressure Concept: Attack the centerline If you don't control the opponent's centerline it's easier for him to counter you. Attack "through" your opponent and break his balance or make him step back. For that, you need strong forward pressure. Pressure and pushing are not the same Pressure is applied using attacks inflicting or threatening to inflict damage forcing the opponent back in order to avoid the attacks. Pushing is just pushing, no real damage is being done. Other tips and pointers in the video: Attack straight towards the opponent's center Don't attack diagonally Avoid exchanging punches Make your attacks compact, don't overreach Attack from below when dealing with a tall opponent Don't pull f pulled, don't resist. Go with the pulling energy If you can, use the opponent's pulling power to your advantage Don't push, deflect If you spend a lot of energy on pushing there's very little power left for punching チサオ練習する時、初心者がやりやすいミスを動画で紹介します。 正しいやり方だけではなく、もっとミスのこと知っていると役に立つと思います。 思い切り初心者レベルだから少しでもチサオできる人だと違う動画を見てください。 |
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