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今回はスパーリングが上手くいかないとき、どうすればいいか、というアドバイスをあげる動画です。詠春拳ではファイティングコンセプト(戦略)があって、それを使ってスパーリングを行います。ほかの立ち技に似てるかもしれないがかなり違います。 これからももっと動画を作って、もっと説明します。ぜひチャンネル登録してください! J´Sジムではリアルファイティング(実戦)は護身術の次のステップです。
For us at J's gym realistic or "real" fighting is the next step after self-defense.
Real fighting is how you should fight if your life depended on it, in real life outside the gym, where size and number of opponents, weapons or no weapons, place and time, etc. are all unknown! This is very different from a lot of the fights you can find on YouTube where young men do the monkey dance, meaning they're exchanging a few punches to settle some minor dispute or provocation. It usually stops after a few exchanges of blows and pushes. They are not fighting for their life! Sports fighting is also very different, more about that later. What is realistic fighting and how do you train for it?
What realistic fighting often is thought to be:
J's GYMとは