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For us at J's gym realistic or "real" fighting is the next step after self-defense.
Real fighting is how you should fight if your life depended on it, in real life outside the gym, where size and number of opponents, weapons or no weapons, place and time, etc. are all unknown! This is very different from a lot of the fights you can find on YouTube where young men do the monkey dance, meaning they're exchanging a few punches to settle some minor dispute or provocation. It usually stops after a few exchanges of blows and pushes. They are not fighting for their life! Sports fighting is also very different, more about that later. What is realistic fighting and how do you train for it?
What realistic fighting often is thought to be:
護身術と格闘技の違いについてよく聞かれます。 そこで護身術や実戦、格闘技の定義を説明することにしました。 これらを混同して、何を学んでいるか理解していない人がいるように思われます。 まず護身術について簡単な説明からはじめます。これ以上のことはいつか説明できればと思います。 護身術 正しい護身術とは: よくある攻撃に対する最もシンプルで最良のテクニックの教えであり、そのような状況でのストレスを制御する心構えの教えです。 護身術では長く通い続ける習い事と違って、コンパクトな短いコースとして習った方がいいです。 そういう形だと、状況に応じた基本的な技術をすぐに身につけ、安全を確保することから始まるべきです。実戦の応急処置みたいなことです。つまりよくある攻撃に対する防御と安全を確保する方法が初歩となります。 よく教えられること: 防御のテクニックは実戦で使うことはあまりなく、テクニックやトリックは実戦ではあまり役に立たない。実戦での心構えなどない。 護身術とは単なるテクニック以上のものであり、自身を守らなくてはいけない状況になる前後となったときのことも含まれています。 精神的戦術がなくては多くの人が危険な状況で何も出来なくなってしまいます。そのため、そのような状況になる前のことも重要になります。 自身を守るためにテクニックを使うだけでは不十分です。あなたが止まってしまったら敵は次になにをするでしょうか? 逃げるだけというのは簡単ではないことがあります。もしあなたがアパートメントやエレベーター、公衆トイレなどの逃げられない場所にいたら可能でしょうか? 自身の身を守るテクニックは護身術の一部でしかありません。 日本語今度書きます。英語の文章。Part 1
I often get asked questions about self-defense versus sports fighting (格闘技 in Japanese) so I decided to write down how I define self-defense, realistic fighting and sports fighting. I feel many people are confusing the different terms and end up not realizing what they are actually learning. I'm starting with a few thoughts on self-defense, with more to be added hopefully soon. Self-defense What self-defense should be like: Teaching of the simplest and best techniques for dealing with the most common attacks and teaching of the mental preparation needed to handle the stress of such situations. Self-defense should be taught as a limited course to quickly equip the person with the most basic skills to handle a situation and get away safely. Think of it as learning self-defense first aid: you learn just enough to deal with the most common attacks and get away. What it often is taught like: Teaching of techniques to defend attacks that are not likely to happen, techniques and tricks that are of very little value out in the real world, and no mental preparation on how to deal with a real situation. Real self-defense is more than just a technique. It's also about what happens before and after you get into a situation where defending yourself is needed. Without mental tactics many people will just freeze when they come upon a dangerous situation. So what happens before is important. Just applying a technique to free yourself might not be enough. What will the attacker do next if you stop there? Sometimes simply running away isn't that easy. What if you are in an apartment, elevator, public toilet or a similar confined space? The techniques to free yourself are just a little part of self-defense curriculum. |
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